Mixed Use

Mixed Use Development

A mixed-use development insurance policy covers both the residential and commercial aspects of a building. Increasingly, urban spaces are being created with commercial properties at ground level with apartments above. These ground floor commercial spaces, can be retail units, gyms, coffee shops etc, and the requirements of the owners and tenants of the commercial properties are different to those of the residential owners and tenants above. As a consequence of this, a single warranty is required that can meet the requirements of both, and this is something we are extremely familiar with providing.

This mixed use building insurance is accepted by the Council of Mortgage Lenders, and provides a simple solution for developers, contractors and property owners and the tenants of these buildings. 

Who should be interested;
• Property owners
• Tenants (Residential and Commercial)
• Property Developers
• Main Contractors
• Purchasers of properties and their lenders
• Conveyancing solicitors
• Housing Associations and Registered Social Landlords

Contact one of our specialists today, we will be happy to help you.

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